Tuesday, November 27, 2007

When I watched Harry meet Sally...

...I remember (because I forgot) why this is the classic it is known to be. I also remembered where I got it into my head that men and women can't be friends. And, I will always remember the most memorable line (for me) in the show. "Charlie Chaplin had babies when he was seventy-three!"

"Yeah but he couldn't pick them up."

Harry was lucky to get that line. In fact, he got almost all the good lines in the movie. But he deserved to get them. His delivery was perfect- in timing, tone, conviction. He convinced me that he sprouted those incredible one-liners all his life. And of course, where would he be without that special someone to aggravate with his incessant speech? Sally was good at that - getting aggravated, and she was even better at aggravating, though she had intention to do so, unlike Harry. But the two of them together was...wonderful and I wouldn't imagine any other pair of actors doing a better job. Their natural affinity is something real life couples can only hope to possess.
You don't need me to tell you to watch this show. By now, if you haven't, you oughta be ashamed. You've been missing out on the perfect romantic comedy - one of the few in existence today.

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